************* NOTES ************* PLEASE UPDATE your EMULATE.DAT file. I made a change that affected it. Where you used to have VT52-Color, etc. You should change it to VT52 Color. Replace ALL '-' (dashes) with spaces as shown above in ALL your emulations. This goes for VT52 Mono, ANSI Color, etc. ************ Fixes/Additions/Changes ************ *** Version 2.4.01 Removed the checks for a KEYCODE.DAT file. The BBS is now Freeware. Refer to FREEWARE.TXT for more info. *** Version 2.3.12 Fixed a problem in the routine for adding Callers to the CALLERS.INF file. The problem only showed up on a new file or one that only had 1 caller's info in it. Fixed a bug that would cause text to get screwed up if you had a 'Press [Return]', 'Press [Space]', or '[More]' prompt in your text files. *** Version 2.3.11b Fixed it so that if running off of Modem port 2 or the Falcon, XYZ will allow files to be transfered. Fixed a bug in the View Marked Messages routine that would send the user to the search routine. *** Version 2.3.11a Fixed the ONLINE.USR to include the User Number. Oops!! :-) I put in a fix that I hope will eliminate the 0 bytes HD space problem. If the drive variable is blank, it will default to the first drive in File Area Drive list. This will keep it from defaulting to drive A. I made a few changes that I also hope will fix the problem. Not sure if it will yet or not. *** Version 2.3.11 Changed the way the PROMPT.DAT file was loaded and stored, back to the old way as the new way was having problems on some systems. Redone the way the free memory was calculated as it wasn't calculating it correctly. It should now give you a more acurate reading. Added support for the ONLINE.USR file that is used by CBase (networking message bases used with ISIS). To have the BBS write the ONLINE.USR file, use ONLINE in place of FOREM, TURBO, etc. in the ONLINExx.DAT files. Added support for Modem 2 on the TT/MSTE and the Modem port on the Falcon. This has not been tested yet. There is a new item in Edit Settings, Page 5 of the System Editor called "Modem 2/Falcon". If you plan on using Modem 2 or run the BBS on a Falcon, then you need to turn this option on. Due to the hardware design of the Modem 2 & Falcon port, you will need to have a modem hooked up to this port before you use it. If you don't have a modem hooked up and this item is selected, the BBS will not operate correctly. It will think that there is someone connected to the BBS. You will need to use the Modem CPX from Atari to select the baud rate & RTS/CTS setting. This is temporary until I can get the information to set this myself. You will need to get the new version of the System Editor and RSC files. You will also need to run the System Editor and change the Modem 2/Falcon setting to the way you want it before running the new version of the BBS. *** Version 2.3.10c Fixed a problem in moving to different Message Bases that would cause a crash Fixed a problem where the last executed filename would be displayed when the logon prompt would be shown. *** Version 2.3.10b Fixed a bug that would cause problems in the File Areas when moving to a File Area number higher than the highest Message Base number. Fixed it so that the PROMPT.DAT routine would not Malloc an area of memory if the last Malloc'd area is big enough to hold the new PROMPT.DAT file. This was done to reduce the number of Mallocs the BBS does because of problems in older versions of TOS. *** Version 2.3.10a Fixed a problem with users advancing to next Message Base or File Area that the user had access to. If they tried to go to another base past the one they did not have access to, it would drop them back to the Main Menu. This occured when using '+' or '-' (or whatever you have it set as). *** Version 2.3.10 Finally found and fixed the problem with the program ignoring the first letter being entered at the Main Menu, File Area and Message Base prompts. Changed the way the PROMPT.DAT and COMMAND.DAT files are loaded and stored. You should have about 46K+ more room to execute external programs. This really only effects 1 meg users. I don't know if it will help any. *** Version 2.3.09b Fixed a problem in the Make blank Descriptions area where the program would only make blank descriptions for 5 files. Temporarily removed the ANSI color conversions until I can get all the color codes to convert and make it 100% bullet proof. *** Version 2.3.09a Removed the check I left in the Online Games section. Oops! It caused the system to sit there until a key was pressed on the local keyboard. *** Version 2.3.09 Changed the way the load header routine searches for header files. Hopefully this will fix the problem with headers not being loaded properly. Added some color translation to the strip ANSI routines. The commands recognized are ESC [07m (inverse on), [00m (inverse off), [40m, [41m, [42m, [47m, [30m, [31m, [32m, [37m. You must use the full ESC[xxm command and not ESC[xx;xxm (use ESC[40mESC[37m and not ESC[40;37m ). This could change later but, for now it works. Only the colors BLACK, RED, GREEN and WHITE are recognized (or whatever you have those colors defined as). Added an option to the ONLINExx.DAT files. Where you would use OTHER to tell the BBS to write the USER.INF file instead of FOREM, etc., you can now place a filename after it to tell the BBS what filename you want this file written as. I.E., if you use OTHER FRONTIER.NAM, then the user's handle will be written to a file called FRONTIER.NAM. If no filename is specified, then the USER.INF file will be written. This is for those games that require a different name. *** Version 2.3.08b Fixed a problem where the ANSI flag was not being cleared after a user logged off or changed Terminal types. This would cause the system to strip the VT52 codes on the local screen. *** Version 2.3.08a Added a strip ANSI mode that would strip the ANSI codes from the local screen. You should now be able to see what is going on a lot better when someone is in ANSI mode. Please let me know if it misses some codes as I only had a limited number of ANSI screens to test with. If you have Show VT52 codes turned off, it will now strip all the codes out now instaed of just the ESC character. *** Version 2.3.08 Hopefully I fixed the Informer problem with New users. I will know soon I guess. Fixed a problem with having the Fido option selected and the BBS exiting before validating a user. This is untested as I have no way of testing it. Seperated the BBS Lister section and made it a seperate program. It was written by Andy Okun. Please note that this is only version 1.0 and other features are planned and some changes made. The program will be listed in the Transcendence Support area as BBSLIST.LZH. You will need this program if you want to have a BBS Lister on your system. Created a MODULES.DAT file that goes in the DATA folder. This allows you to specify where files that normally go in the MODULES folder are located. This allows you to put some of those files into folders within the MODULES folder. Please follow the below layout. DO NOT change the order because the programs will not be executed properly if they are not in the proper order. Currently only the BBS Lister, User Editor and Print User programs are supported in this version. Others will be added later. Below is an example of the MODULES.DAT file. J:\MODULES\USREDIT\USR_EDIT.PRG ! User Editor path and name Line 1 J:\MODULES\BBSLIST\BBSLIST.PRG ! BBS Lister path and name Line 2 J:\MODULES\PRNUSER\PRNTUSER.PRG ! Currently not used Line 3 \ ! " " etc. \ ! " " \ ! " " \ ! " " \ ! " " *** DO NOT change the order of this file. You must have at least 8 lines in this file. Leave the comments here so that you will know what goes where. Changing the order of this file could really mess things up. If you are creating this by hand, you must put a comment after each path and filename with at least 1 space between the filename and the beginning of the comment. Yes, I did this on purpose. Also modified the User Editor to make use of the new paths. *** Version 2.3.07b Fixed the problem with using Binkley and having Fido set in the System Editor. It should now send data to the remote user now like it is supposed to. *** Version 2.3.07a Added a new PROMPT in the PROMPT.DAT file. It is #224 and is used as a message to users that have been validated via the Auto-Verify feature. I have something like... You have been validated. You now have a level of {29} {47} Fixed the problem with setting Fido in the System Editor and the BBS not allowing you on or to logoff properly. The BBS will now give a return code of 1 when you choose to exit to DOS. This allows you to check for an error code (return code) in a shell and exit back to the desktop, etc. *** Version 2.3.07 Fixed the DORINFO1.DEF file so that the user's name and Sysop's name is now being written properly. Added the capabilty of inputting characters above ASCII 127. This allows for characters above the normal text range to be inputed into messages, etc. Fixed the Copy Files option in the File Areas to work with Alt. Drives. *** Version 2.3.06a Unfixed the fix for the [D]one command in the New User Informer message as it made things worst. Oh well, I tried. Hopefully I will be able to duplicate the problem and find the solution one day. In the last UPDATE.TXT file for version 2.3.06, I told you to use ALT F3 to zero out the top of the screen and ALT F4 to toggle the modem on/off hook. This should have been Shift F3 and Shift F4. Sorry about that. I have fixed it under the 2.3.06 section to read correctly. Fixed it to where anonymous uploads are now recognized. Obviously this isn't used evry much since I hadn't been placing the word Anonymous in the uploader field in a LONG time. Like since it was added. You should be able to use uppercase or lowercase in the ONLINExx.DAT file now for the type of data file (FOREM, TURBO, etc.) you want written. *** Version 2.3.06 The HELP.TXT file can now be a normal TEXT/MENU file. This means you can have seperate text files for each type of Function Keys. Fixed a bug that would delete the New User Informer message if you selected [D]one and there was more than one New User Informer message. It should work properly now. It should only delete the file if there is one Informer message in the file and you select [D]one. Added the ability to toggle the modem offhook/onhook using Shift F4. You now have to manually reset the numbers at the top of the screen to zero using the Shift F3 key. Before they were automatically reset at midnight. I felt this would cause some problems due to the fact that it may be a day or so (or whatever) before the Sysop would check the BBS and not know of a New User, etc. *** Version 2.3.05g Fixed a bug that would not display the other entries in a ONLINExx.DAT file. You can have up to 25 entries per ONLINExx.DAT file. If there is more than one entry in an ONLINExx.DAT file, the BBS will display them and give the user the choice of which one to use. The BBS will now save out the information that is across the top of the WaitCall screen now when you exit the BBS. It will then load the information back in when you run the BBS program again. The information will be zeroed out at midnight to start over for the next day. It may not be immediately shown on the screen but, the information will have been zeroed out. *** Version 2.3.05f Changed the way the system uses the MODEM 2 port. You no longer have to use the Atari Modem CPX module to change to MODEM 2 in order to use it. It will now send out the data to MODEM 2 port while also keeping the MODEM 1 port active. *** Version 2.3.05e Fixed a bug that was not allowing the ENTER and EXIT text files in the ONLINEx.DAT files, to be displayed. Added limited support of the MODEM 2 port on the Mega STE. By limited, I mean that you can only use the BBS part for doing stuff. You have to use Atari's MODEM.CPX file to switch to MODEM 2. You then use the 'I. Force Logon' option on the WaitCall screen and when you choose a speed, it will ask you if you want to Force Carrier. This will fool the BBS into thinking there is a Carrier present and let you use the system as if someone connected. This is good if you have a null modem setup to MODEM port 2. The reason for having to have a Force Carrier option is that Atari, in it's infinite wisdom, decided that MODEM 2 port did not need a carrier detect signal thus, the computer does not know if there has been a connection or not. *** Version 2.3.05d Fixed a bug that would keep the New Files scan going in a continuous loop. SOMETIMES!!! *** Version 2.3.05c Fixed a bug that did not allow you to set a game/program up as to not count against the user as an Online Game Played. This affected the ONLINExx.DAT file on line 2 where you place the NO after the level. Reduced the amount of time to wait for the verify to call the user back. Before it was 1 minute. I reduced it to 20 seconds. This is to help cut down the chance of getting another call before the BBS verifies the user. *** Version 2.3.05b The last version got out as version 2.3.10. It should have been 2.3.05a. Sorry about that. These late night programming sessions do that to me once in awhile. Fixed a bug that caused the BBS to skip over the phone number questions when a new user applied for an account. This happened if you had a '#' and a 'x' character in the phone mask field. Fixed it so that the word wrap would go further back in the line to check for a space character. I was only going back 15 characters and this caused some problems if there was a word longer than 15 characters near the end of a line. I now go back as far as 34 characters to check for a space character. *** Version 2.3.05a Fixed a bug that would crash the system if you hit F3 to go into the User Editor at certain places. Fixed a bug that did not save the user's settings properly and sometimes placed bogus information in the settings if the user hung up illegally (dropped carrier). Added a new Type option to the Menu Processor. The new option is 'd'. This is similiar to 'C, E, or X'. This allows the execution of an external program that is defined as a External BBS Module. This is the same as the Type selection in the System Editor under the Command Tables. The BBS will place certain information in internal buffers and pass on the location of those buffers to the program. This mode MUST NOT BE USED UNLESS TOLD TO. The program will come with special instructions on how to set it up. Adding this feature allows you to execute these types of programs from the Menu Processor. This feature was only available in the Command Tables earlier. Added a new variable tag. It is number 127. It is used to tell a program the location of the Scratch Buffer. This buffer holds certain information and should NOT be used unless told to by the program you receive. This goes along with variable tag number 126 which is the User Information Buffer. Do not use this tag also unless told to. I will be providing information on these buffers later on. The User Information Buffer layout will only be given out on a request basis. I have the right to deny this information to anyone I choose and if you already have this information, DO NOT give it out. This is to protect the user's and Sysop. Because of the nature of the information stored about a user, it is PRIVATE information and I don't feel that just anyone should have access to it. *** Version 2.3.05 Fixed a bug that would not allow a file that was a Free file be downloaded if the user had exceeded their download ratio. Fixed it so that if you go into the Sysop mode using the silent enter selection, then the User Editor would still send out data over the modem. it should not do that now. Fixed a bug that if you were using MAREAS.TXT or FAREAS.TXT instead of the built in display, the BBS would still renumber the areas if the user did not have access to those areas. It should now work correctly. Fixed a problem where if you went into GEM mode and viewed a text file or something with a UIS III or soomething, the window space would still be at the bottom and only allow you about 16 lines to view the file. Fixed a bug that was not allowing FTOPx.TXT file to be found or shown. *** Version 2.3.04c Fixed a problem with the Duplicate upload routine not detecting a duplicate upload. It should now detect it properly and consistantly. The BBS will now write out any duplicate upload information to a file called DUPLICAT.LOG that will be written to the DATA folder. It will tell you who uploaded the file, the filename and the location of the file in any other folders. Fixed a bug that would not allow the Free Time to be turned off after executing the User Editor. This would cause inaccuracies in time left for a user if you went to the User Editor while they were online. Fixed it so that if User #2 is missing and you try to log on using 'B' from the WaitCall screen, it would not cause an error. It will just report that the user does not exist and return back to the WaitCall screen. *** Version 2.3.04b Fixed a bug that would not allow a user with the same level as that entered in the MENU file to do whatever it was it was supposed to do. The BBS was checking to see if the user's Menu Processor Level was less than the set level when it should have check to see if it was less than or equal to the set level. Added ZIP, ZOO, ARJ and SIT verbose listing to the file section. The way it is done at the moment is a temporary fix as the BBS will add this ability within the program at a later date. I also fixed it so that you could enter the of the different archive programs so that you would not have to have duplicates in the MODULES folder. At the moment, only the verbose section uses this but, other parts of the BBS will use it later. The new file called ARCHIVE.DAT be placed in the DATA folder. I have included a sample of this file but, here is a sample also. Do NOT include the comments to the side of the line. H:\ARC\ARC.TTP ; ARC program location and name H:\ARC\LZH201L.TTP ; LZH " " " H:\ARC\ST_ZIP21\STZIP.PRG ; ZIP " " " H:\ARC\ZOO21\ZOO.TTP ; ZOO " " " H:\ARC\ARJ\UNARJ.TTP ; ARJ " " " H:\ARC\UNSIT\UNSIT.TTP ; SIT " " " Others may be added later as programs become available to verbose, etc. new and different formats. If you don't mind having the verbose listing and other features setup like this, then I could leave it and not worry about adding it the BBS. This would keep the program size down and all the other stuff that goes along with putting it in the BBS. Also included in this archive is a copy of the FCSHELL program that WILL need to be placed in the MODULES folder. This program is used by the above feature. The program takes output that is supposed to go to the screen and redirects it to the modem. *** Version 2.3.04a Fixed a bug that would not show the true state of the Continous Scroll setting for the Message Bases. The variable tag was wrong. This mainly affected the settings screen that the users used. Fixed a problem where if a text file was not found in the proper folder (MENUS1, MENUS2, etc.), it would not look to MENUS0 for the file. Fixed a problem that would not allow you to go into Email from Sysop mode (DOS Shell) if it thought you had reached your Email limit. It now bypasses the limit if done from Sysop Mode. Changed the way the BBS did the input for the State and Phone mask. It will now allow the user to hit Return at any point when entering this information. I had to change it to that method for European support. Yes Adam, the mask are still there. :-) Added a check for Time Left required to play an Online Game. You set this up on Settings Page 3 of the System Editor. You will need the new System Editor and RSC files. The System Editor CHANGES.TXT explains this feature. *** Version 2.3.04 Ok, after a massive redo of the source code (GFA screwed it up) I think I got everything straightened back out. If there is a problem, please let me know so I can fix it. I may have missed something although I did everything I knew to do to make sure I had everything fixed. There are 2/3 new files to add to your TEXT\MENUSx folder. CAT.TXT & CAT_xxx.TXT - These are text files that will allow you to define how the catalog listing in the file area appears. You can add VT-52 commands, ANSI commands, or whatever you want and change what is displayed if you wish. CAT.TXT is a global file and CAT_xxx.TXT is so that you can have a different one for each File Area. 'xxx' represents the File Area Number. If CAT_xxx.TXT is not found, it will look for CAT.TXT and if that is not found, it will use the default in the program. You will need 2 lines in these files. The first line is for normal catalog listings. The second line is for catalog listings using the continuous listing mode. These are different in appearance as the continuous listing mode does not provide the letter ([A]) in the first slot. There is also 2 different headers in the PROMPT.DAT file. The first one you come to controls the appearnce of the header for continous listing mode and the second one controls the appearance for normal catalog mode. There are 2 new variable tags for this purpose. {334} - Brief Description {335} - Letter Choice You will need to provide at LEAST the Letter Choice ([A-L]) so that they will know what to choose from when the BBS ask them for a letter. I have included these 2 text files in the archive for reference. They are plain and gives the same output look as the BBS does now. CALLS.TXT - This is the text file to use to control the appearnace of the Who's Called Listing. You can also add VT-52, etc. to this listing. The header now goes into PROMPT # 223. You can find this header in your CALLERS.INF file located in the DATA folder. You will need to remove it from the file and place it in PROMPT 223 in the PROMPT.DAT file. If you do not remove it, it will cause an error or give totally bogus data. This will allow you to change the look of the header also. I have included this file in the archive for reference. It is plain and will look just like the BBS's output now. Along with this new text file for the Who's Called comes 6 new variable tags. {137} - Caller Number {138} - Handle {139} - Date Called {140} - Baud Rate {141} - Log On Time {142} - Log Off Time The above additions WILL slow things down for the BBS if you use them as it has to weed through the information and expand the variable tags. You and your users may or may not notice the difference. You WILL need to make sure you have a blank line at the end of these text files. If not, you WILL get an error when someone tries to use them. I plan on changing the Other BBS Listing over also later on. Maybe in the next update. I changed the format for the User's State. It can now be up to 20 characters in length. This was to add compatibility for European addresses as I have a couple of people from overseas that have ordered the BBS. You will need to define your MASK for entering the State & Phone Number in the System Editor. Please refer to the System Editor CHANGES.TXT file for further explanation of these 2 new fields. The users will be prompted for their State info when they log on as the BBS will not recognize the old data. You do not have to change anything, it will all be automatic as the user logs on. The only thing you will have to do is manually change your information if you log on via the 'A' or 'B' keys from the Wait Call screen as the BBS does not go through that routine when you log on this way. I temporarily removed the State from being displayed in the window because I now don't have room to put it. I will have to try and find somewhere to put it or delete something. Yes, this means I also had to change the User Editor so GET IT. When you use the MOVE command in Sysop Mode, the BBS should NOT delete the file now if there was an error writting the file to the destination. There is another NEW file called MAREAS.TXT. This works the same way as the FAREAS.TXT file except it is for the Message Bases. It's just an ASCII file list your Message Bases. It is not required. Fixed a bug that would not let the Fileselector send out the information when using it. *** Version 2.3.03e When you edit a users while they are online, it will now update their time when you return to the BBS. The Other BBS listing will now page pause just as other stuff does in the BBS. Also, when the listing is complete, it will ask you to hit Return. This will keep the Other BBS menu from pushing stuff off the top especially now that it will clear the screen when displaying the menu. Replies to messages can only be 1 level deep now. I took the easy way out on this and just set a flag that says that the message has already been replied to once before. Instead of saying 'In Message # xxx So and So write', it will now just have 'In response to Msg # xxx from So and So' on line 1 and the response will start on line 2. Try it out and let me know what you think. It's the best way I could figure out to do it without adding a LOT of code to parse the message and all. The Fileselector when called up should now display the last directory used. Fixed the problem with the cursor disappearing at times especially in DOS mode and in term mode. Yes, I finally duplicated it. Message bases and such should no longer accept escape sequences when they are not supposed to. If a user now saves a blank description or aborts the description (long) in the file areas, it will now use the brief description if available. If it isn't it will do like it used to and have Description Aborted or Description Not Available (if you Sysops are lazy :-) ). When editing Brief Descriptions in the File Areas, you can now use CTRL-R like you can in the message editor. There is now a NEW Menu option called FREE. If the first line of a menu has this option in it, it will turn on Free Time. This allows you to use other chat programs, etc. and still not charge the user for being in that program. Yes, you will have to use a MENU in order to use alternate chat programs and be able to use this for now. Maybe I will be able to add an option like this to the Command Processor but, for now, that is the only way I can do it and have it available for your users. You Sysops are going to drive me crazy. :-) :-) And YES ZIP is going to be worked on. :-) *** Version 2.3.03d Fixed a bug that would not allow you to choose a user when doing a partial search in the Email section and the FULL name of a user was also PART of the name of another user. It would go to the first user it came to. Fixed a bug that caused an error if you did a Search in the Message Bases and the message was Extended, it would cause and error. Also, you should be able to search more than once in a Message Base. Fixed it where the D in D/Ls would not get wiped out. *** Version 2.3.03c Fixed a problem where if the carrier was lost, it would not update the number of callers, etc. Minor procedural problem. It SHOULD work now. Fixed a bug that caused the system to not be able to find uploads. They are there, just the system couldn't find them. A little too much house cleaning. Fixed a bug that would not allow the Sysop to enter the File Areas using the F4 key. Fixed a bug that would not kill the file when asked when you were marking a as Offline. It will NOW!! Also, the BBS will now count a hangup as a call IF they stayed online more a minute. Thanks Adam. *** Version 2.3.03b Cleanup should RERUN the BBS now if you have it set up to do that. Fixed the Shift F1 key, it was working I promise. Added Shift F2 which will now give you the ability to turn Chat On, Off or back to Normal. It will display a screen for you to choose what you want. Normal will turn it on if it is between the times you have set in the System Editor. The other 2 I think you can figure out. :-) Made the screen saver work a little better. Fixed it so that if a user is online and a Priority 2 event ran, it will now re-display the prompt they were at when it ran. I think I got most of them. *** Version 2.3.03a Fixed a bug in the Menu Processor that if a user selected an item on a submenu when that selection was complete, it would return the user to the calling menu. The user would then have to re-select the menu to view another file or do something else. For instance, I have a menu that list the Online Games and the user chooses one which it will then take them to another menu. If the user an item from this menu, it would then take them back to the first menu when item was complete. Added a System Memory (SM) indicator to the upper left hand corner of the bottom window. This will give you an indication of how much memory is left for the system. This is the portion of memory that variables and all use. This will give you an idea if you are getting low. Mostly concerns 1 meg users. Fixed the Screen Saver. It should act properly now. Also, if you hit a key it will restart the timer. I have the timer set at 10 seconds at the moment and it will cycle between off & on. It will not kick in when you are logged on locally either. The same setup is used for color toggling. Function Key F11 (Shift F1) will now toggle the screen saver on or off so that you can turn it off if need be. The Screen Saver or Color Toggling will work on Mono monitors. They have the same effect but, you will not have to change your settings should you change monitors. The Auto-Verify will now wait 1 minute longer before it calls a user back. This should be enough time and I didn't want to add to much as it would tie up the system longer. Fixed the events. It will now warn the user like it is supposed to and it will now properly calculate the time difference even if it's the next day and reduce the users time to the least amount. It WILL figure out which event runs first and give the user the amount of time based on it. Fixed the ARC/LZH routines to display the filename on a line by itself as some names include paths also. The information for the filename is on the next line. Also fixed a few bugs in the routines. I did some house cleaning (long needed) on the variables and found quite a few typos. This should help make things run better. :-) Fixed the EXITALL command in the Menu Processor. You should be able to use it now. Fixed the bug that would not allow you into the file areas after hitting F4 to go to the File Maintenance area while someone was online. Fixed a few things in the get_file_info and edit_file routines that would not allow the sysop to do while someone was online. Made a few cosmetic changes and some changes in routines to help speed up things or make them run smoother. Made the User Editor an External program. Place the file USR_EDIT.PRG in your MODULES folder. The User Editor will keep it's own log now called UE.LOG. This will be for anything in the User Editor that is sent to the log file. Changed the way function keys work (sort of). Now when you go into Chat mode, Sysop mode, and several other sections using the function keys, the program will now re-display the prompt for the user. You will no longer have to press a key or return or something to see where you are at. FINALLY!!! Well, that is it for this version. It was a LOT believe me. *** Version 2.3.03 Message Bases: Fixed a bug in the Check Message routine that caused a crash Fixed a problem in the source code (GFA's famous stick garbage in source code). This caused the BBS to be 16K larger than it should have been. I don't know what other side effects this had. It was on the line that set up the output buffer. From the looks of it, it has the output buffer set to 16K instead of 8 bytes. This means you or your users may not have been able to pause the BBS effectively. *** Version 2.3.02a Fixed the RAM display in Sysop mode using Status. It now displays a whole number. Fixed a bug in the List Files routine that would not clear out the Status field and would keep stacking the Status. Fixed a bug that would not allow Extended messgaes to be searched for message contents. Fixed a bug in the Edit File routine that when asked if the file was an Offline file and you answered NO, it would ask if you wanted to install the file. Aslo fixed a bug in the same routine that dealt with Editing the desciption. Added LOGON1.BAT check. This works the same as LOGON.BAT except it will execute the files contained in the BAT file AFTER the user has logged on with his/her name, etc. *** Version 2.3.02 *** Fixed bug in Search for Security Level in File Areas Fixed text being messed up in the About Me selection (Transcendence) in the Gem Menu Bar. Fixed it so that the modem doesn't get re-initialized everytime you press F5. Fixed it so that if you are using the system locally and someone calls and connects, it will not hangup the modem on them when you logoff. I hope... If TRANS.DAT file is not found, the program will no longer bomb. It just gracefully exits now. Fixed a problem where if the last file in a catalog listing was an Offline file and the user tried to Read File, it would say that the file couldn't be read even though the user had not chosen a file yet. Fixed the way the informer displayed a Offline File request. It was saying that the user was requesting a File Area name. :-) A New User can no longer enter a blank name by hitting Return at the Name prompt. This caused a blank name to be entered and the user would never be found. If the user hits Return at the Handle prompt, then his name is used as the handle. Fixed a bug in that if a text file had TEXT at the top and the file got routed through the menu processor (I.E. NEWEMAIL.TXT), the file would not get displayed. When a message is aborted, it no longer says 'Saved!' or whatever you have for prompt #222. When you kill a user from the Informer, it will now kill the MSG_xxx.1 file also. Uploads to Sysop Area should work properly now. The description AND files should be put there now. Changed the way the verison number is done now. It will now have the format of 2.3.02a ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | -- modification letter for that month Major version-- | ---------------- Month -Year as in 199(3) The first version of that month will just have the number 2.3.02. Any update during that month will have the letter a, b, etc. Added a [Q]uit option to the Catalog/List search menu. Added TYPE_xxx.DAT, COMP_xxx.DAT, FTYP_xxx.DAT, MONI_xxx.DAT files to the File Areas. xxx represents the File Area and the files act the same way as TYPE.DAT, COMPUTER.DAT, FTYPE.DAT and MONITOR.DAT. This allows you to have a different file for each File Area. There is a Destructive and Non-Destructive Backspace variable tag. {124-x} is the destructive backspace with x being the number of spaces to backup and {125-x} is the non-desctructive one. There is now a 3rd parameter you can add in all your *.BAT files (I.E. LOGON.BAT, etc.). If you put 'NOLOCAL' as a parameter, then the file will not be executed if you log on or have logged on locally. If 'NOLOCAL' is not present, then the file will be ran on local logon, etc. It is not case sensitive. Example: J:\INTERBBBS\ISIS.TTP TERMINAL NOLOCAL or J:\DUMMY\DUMMY.TTP NOLOCAL When a New user aborts the New User Email, it will now say "New User Email Aborted!' in the Informer. Hurl Messages and Thread have been put 'Temporarily Out of Order'. Added the ability to hook into the user information. Removed user's password information from ALL Online Game data files such as FOREM.DAT, etc. I don't think that needs to be anyone's business. Changed OTHER file type for Online Games to only pass the user's handle. When doing a STATUS from Sysop Mode, the RAM status will now show the amount of memory for the system along with the amount of memory set aside for the BBS.